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Building a User-Friendly Small Business Website That Drives Growth  


Developing a website can be a daunting task for small business owners. With so many options and factors to consider, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, a well-designed website that focuses on user experience can help set your business apart online. Follow these tips to create a small business website that converts visitors into customers:


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Conduct Keyword Research

Before designing your website, research relevant keywords that potential customers may use to find your products or services. Identify 3-5 primary keywords to optimize on-page content for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help uncover high-traffic keyword opportunities. 


Choose a Responsive Design

Today, most website traffic comes from mobile devices. A responsive design adjusts layout and elements based on screen size. This ensures a seamless experience for visitors whether they’re on desktop or mobile. Consider a mobile-first approach.


Structure Your Site for Scannability

Web users tend to skim rather than read word-for-word. Break up content into short paragraphs and use ample white space between elements. Bulleted lists, numbered steps, subheadings, and bold text also improve scannability.


Streamline Navigation

Eliminate navigation clutter to help visitors easily find what they need. Stick to 5-7 main tabs like Home, About, Products, Blog, Contact. Ensure all pages are accessible within 3 clicks from the homepage.  


Optimize Page Speed

Fast load times are a ranking factor for Google and a must for user experience. Compress images, minimize HTTP requests, enable browser caching, and leverage a content delivery network to improve speed.


Make Forms Short and Simple

Lengthy web forms increase abandonment rate. Only ask for essential info like name, email, phone. Use select boxes over free text fields when possible. Allow easy sign-up with social media profiles.


Tell Your Brand Story

Share your business origins, values, and purpose on the About Us page. Help visitors relate to your brand on a personal level through storytelling. Include founder photos and videos for extra engagement.


Feature Customer Testimonials

Sprinkle relevant testimonials from satisfied customers throughout your site. These social proof elements build trust and credibility for your brand in an authentic way.


Enable Easy ContacT

Prominently display contact information in the header or footer with clickable links to jump to a contact form page. Offer phone, email, live chat, and social media options. Set up automatic contact form notifications. 


Provide Value in Blogs/Resources

A blog and free resources like ebooks, whitepapers, and tools attract visitors interested in your niche. These lead magnets also collect emails for marketing. Offer subscriptions to foster returning visitors.


Creating a stellar website takes time and effort upfront, but pays off tremendously through increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and revenue growth. With a thoughtful user-focused approach, your small business website can thrive online.

Contributor: Freddie Snijman, Chemcoolweb. I write about web design, blog management, blog monetization, Google services, domain name registration, online presence, hosting services, relationships, and chess. BOOK A CALL