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How it works? 


A secure connection is made between your device and our server – by means of each devices unique IP Address. This allows us to offer both proactive and reactive support to each device that we manage and monitor. With reactive support, there is no need to send us Team Viewer or Any Desk details to allow remote access to assist you in resolving your issues, because of the secure connection between the IP Addresses – it’s a one click solution. Proactive support means we monitor the health of your devices – laptops, desktops and servers! We can identify failing hardware with a lead time, so you can budget & plan. 


Why do you need this? 


It gives you peace of mind that your devices are being monitored to ensure optimum functionality and lifespan, overall, improving efficiency and workability. We will save you on disaster recovery & down time – because of proactive monitoring and support. This is a great tool for any insurance provider – we can prove of your maintenance history, security updates and Windows updates – with all unique pertinent device information, such as serial numbers and license keys. This is great for your record keeping – all your device details are stored safely and securely. Device restarts & shutdowns can be done remotely, thus ensuring optimum health of your device and efficacy of installed updates and patches to all Windows software. This system operates in the cloud to ensure continuity from a service provider prospective. 


What will this cost you? 


R50 per device per month (VAT Included). Reactive support is billed as needed; our reasonable rate structure is available upon request. 


Call us today to activate this affordable preventitive maintenance software. NB! Contributions deductable from tax!