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How to Use the "My Specific Ask" Web App for Business Networking

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose of the "My Specific Ask" Web App
  • Benefits for Business Networking Chapter Members
  • Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use the Web App
  • FAQs about the Web App


In today's fast-paced business world, creating quality referrals is essential for the success of business networking chapter members. The "My Specific Ask" web app is designed to streamline this process, enabling members to easily submit and track their specific asks, ensuring fresh and up-to-date information for all users.

Purpose of the "My Specific Ask" Web App

The "My Specific Ask" web app is a powerful tool developed to help business networking chapter members create and manage quality referrals. By providing a platform where users can submit their specific business needs or asks, the app ensures that all members have access to the latest requests, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

Benefits for Business Networking Chapter Members

  • Streamlined Referral Process: Easily submit and manage specific asks, making it simple for other members to provide quality referrals.
  • Up-to-Date Information: The app automatically deletes old asks on a weekly basis, ensuring that all requests are current and relevant.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: By providing a centralized platform for asks, members can quickly identify opportunities to help each other, fostering a supportive community.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those with limited technical skills.
  • Secure and Private: The app follows strict privacy guidelines, ensuring that user information is protected and never sold.

How to Use the "My Specific Ask" Web App

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access the Web App: Click the link provided by your chapter or visit the app's URL directly.
  2. Login: Securely log in using your Google account to ensure your data is protected.
  3. Submit Your Ask: Fill out the form with your Name, Surname, Business Name, Chapter, Area/City, Province, WhatsApp Number (optional), and your specific ask. Click "Add Data" to submit your request.
  4. Search and View Asks: Use the search bar to find specific asks or click "Load My Ask Results" to view all current asks. Asks are highlighted in yellow for easy identification.
  5. Share the App: Use the WhatsApp or email icons to share the app with other members, promoting wider usage and collaboration.


  1. We don't sell your information and we follow the POPIA Act in SA.
  2. Your data, specifically your "ask" content, will be automatically deleted from the database. You should enter your new "ask" every week!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Q: How often should I update my ask?
    A: You should enter your new ask every week to ensure the information is current and relevant.
  • Q: Is my information secure?
    A: Yes, your information is secure. We follow the POPIA Act in SA and do not sell your information.
  • Q: How do I share the app with others?
    A: Use the WhatsApp or email icons provided on the app to easily share it with others.
  • Q: Can I delete my ask manually?
    A: Currently, asks are automatically deleted on a weekly basis. If you need to delete an ask immediately, contact the admin.
  • Q: How do I use the search function?
    A: Enter keywords related to your ask or other members' asks in the search bar to quickly find specific requests.


The "My Specific Ask" web app is a valuable tool for business networking chapter members, streamlining the referral process and fostering a collaborative environment. By using this app, members can easily submit and manage their specific asks, ensuring fresh and up-to-date information for all users. Start using the app today and experience the benefits of enhanced collaboration and efficient referrals.

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