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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


A Basic General View




  • SEO is a process or  tactical steps to be taken to enhance your online presence, but although we try to emphasize the basic SEO principles, it may coincide or work together with your overall marketing strategy, as per slide picture to follow.
  • We will use the source, your website as our starting point but will cover other media too.
  • Although you may apply all tactics, principles and strategy into SEO, I believe there is still no guarantee, but you will be better off than no seo efforts at all.
  • One reason being Google algorithms constantly changing.


                                                                                        A digital Echo Map



The Source namely: The Web Site…………


There are types of SEO regarding a website:


  • On site SEO (Front end of the web site) - Global world wide
  • Off Site SEO (Backend of the website) - Global worldwide
  • Google Business Profile - Local
  • Google dedicated maps.
  • Youtube SEO
  • Social Media SEO
  • Google Ads Campaign


On Website SEO (Visitor may see)


Test the site with Lighthouse software (Although not a given for Google to rank you the best!)


                                                                                      Lighthouse Software


  1. Resolve the issues accordingly to the results
  2. A few on site principles:


  • Topography - title, heading, subheading etc.
  • Skimmable reading and bullets.
  • Internal links and active internal links(sentences)
  • Keywords (research process on its own).
  • Add value contents - be unique, trustworthy etc.
  • Pictures and videos(link to Youtube!).
  • Links to social media.
  • Add a BLOG - become a Thought Leader. More pages and keywords for Google to index! - It makes the website more important.


Off Website SEO (Backend and Google - Visitor does not see)



  1. Backlinks - discuss
  2. Google Analytics - monitor - visits, market, cohorts etc. Non technical.
  3. Google Search Console. Monitor more technical requirements


  • All platforms - mobile, tablet and laptop
  • Sitemaps to be included - indexing of pages
  • Core web vitals - bad URL’s 
  • Non indexed pages and the reasons thereof.
  • The speed of your website opening.
  • HTTPS! Secure site?
  • SEO descriptions of each website page.
  • Your website must be Google verified! Do they really know about your website?
  • And much, much more! Only mentioned a few for this presentation
  • Below a picture of backlinks on a website. 


                                                              E.g. Website Backlinks in Google Search Console




Google Business Profile (From here on it also becomes marketing of your website)


Google Business Profile (GBP), a vital tool for local SEO efforts, offers businesses a powerful platform to enhance their online presence in local search results. By enabling companies to manage their information on Google's services like Search and Maps, GBP empowers businesses to reach local customers more effectively. This tool is essential for local SEO because it allows businesses to provide accurate and detailed information about their location, products, services, and operating hours, directly influencing how they are discovered and perceived in local searches. By optimizing their GBP, businesses can significantly improve their visibility to a local audience, making it an indispensable element in the digital marketing and local SEO strategies of any business.


  • From out of GBP you create your Google Ads Campaign
  • Therefore your GBP must be comprehensive and constantly maintained!
  • Including reviews, comprehensive replies on reviews
  • Including constant updates, posts and pictures.
  • Google dedicated map to be created. Exclusiveness!
  • Just to name a few for this presentation.


Youtube SEO


  • A SEO title
  • A SEO description
  • Monitor analysis - In your Youtube channel dashboard
  • Shorts and longs
  • Youtube advertisements
  • Refer back to your website
  • Marketing of your website


Social Media SEO (Your Electronic Brochures)


  • Links to website
  • Articles
  • E.g. FB ads
  • LinkedIn links and link articles
  • Marketing of your website.


Marketing and building a Brand


  • Logo
  • Business cards
  • Build a Brand
  • Link building
  • Blogging
  • Networking
  • Word of Mouth