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About us

Get connected to your Expert!

who are your expertise?

  • You are not paging through a newspaper classified ads looking for an Expert.

  • You are not paging through an informal whatsapp group of business classifieds browsing for an expert.

  • This platform of professionals or expertise are all members of an international well established business network and are subdivided in chapters all over areas in South Africa as well as the rest of the world.

  • They pay an annual fee to belong to this professional business network. They are serious to do business in a professional way.

  • They apply to become a member of this business network and only once they are scrutinized they are allowed to join this group of business people.

  • These professional expertise business owners sit once a week around a business table, either online or in person with the aim to pass quality referrals to each other.

  • They are constantly trained in business networking and must comply with certain education modules to stay a member of this group.

  • They follow a set code of ethics: Relationship building, Life long learning, Positive attitude, Traditions and Accountability

  • They are part of a well established proven network structure within the network.

  • The professionals get monitored by written and logged transactions including referrals and business done results.

  • The structure consist of an appointed leader and a commitee to guide and manage the network.

  • They get constantly trained and educated to generate quality referrals to each other.


Do you need such an Expert to service your needs and requirements?

Our Panel of Expertise